What’s New?

Changes to CAFRA’s Leadership Development Series

A decision has been made to switch the PD topics for February/March with April/May. April’s topic includes tools that might assist with the current “overwhelmed” leadership state by looking at administration, prioritizing, decision making tools, etc. Our PD participants would benefit from this topic in February rather than waiting until April. The material that was to be for February/March (coaching and mentoring) will be moved to April/May. (The material is fluid so does not need to be delivered in any particular order.) 

Here is the new PD schedule:

Session 5
February 17, 1pm-4pm
Administrative Leadership 

Session 6
March 17, 10am-11am
What are Effective Tools and Strategies for Making Difficult Decisions? Reflective Engagement on Session 5 Administrative Leadership

Session 7
April 21, 9am – 12pm
Pedagogical Leadership Part 2 

Session 8
May 19, 10am – 11am
How Do I Optimize Learning with Early Educators and Families? Reflective Engagement on Session 7 Pedagogical Leadership Part 2

You can view the updated event flyer and register for the February, March, April and/or May events at the links below.

UPDATED Leadership Development Series Registration Form

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