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News from CAFRA’s Advocacy Committee

Written by Leah Tolman
The advocacy group met at the end of the last membership meeting. We were able to draft a form letter advocating for ECE’s to be prioritized in the vaccine schedule. Please feel free to use it, share it, personalize it, etc. and send it off to the relevant decision makers. We are also sharing a form letter created by another group which advocates for PPE for childcare centres. Again, feel free to use it if it makes sense for you. 

One another note, big news yesterday out of the Federal government! There’s just so much going on in our worlds: creating new Program Plans, the end of the ELCC $25/day program, dealing with COVID-19 and all that comes with it (enrollment, centre closures, staffing issues, vaccines, PPE) the list goes on and on. I hope we can all take a moment to reflect on how momentous this moment is for early learning and childcare (not to mention women and families.) I’ve heard many of your voices and seen many of your faces in the media over the last few weeks, and many others have been advocating behind the scenes. Thank-you to all of you for working so passionately for something so important. 

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